City defender Nedum Onuoha brought some early Christmas cheer to 150 Manchester residents recently when he acted as bingo caller at a special tea dance at the City of Manchester Stadium.

Each month Manchester City’s registered charity City in the Community (CITC) organises the tea dances to give older people the chance to take part in a physical activity as well as a  meet new people in a friendly environment.

And this month’s participants had the added bonus of being served lunch by a Manchester City star as part of the 2009 Premier League Places for Players programme.

Nedum said: “I was delighted to be helping out at the tea dance. It’s great that the club supports older people in our community and that they get the chance to come to the City of Manchester Stadium.”

The tea dances are part of CITC’s Getting Manchester Moving health programme that aims to increase the amount of physical activity that Manchester residents take part in.

Each year the scheme works with over 30,000 people in a range of activities including: family health days at the City of Manchester Stadium, weight management camps for young people, community health days, well-being at work sessions and healthy living sessions in Manchester schools.

The project also has a website that aims to pull together all the physical activity that takes place in Manchester under one banner.

CITC Executive Manager Alex Williams MBE said: “Working with older people is a key target for CITC and it’s great that Nedum came along to the tea dance.

“He follows in the footsteps of Shaun Wright Phillips who attended an event for older people in Stockport last year and helps to demonstrate that the club is committed to working with all sections of the community not just young people.”

Getting Manchester Moving is funded by the Football Foundation and is a partnership between CITC, Manchester City Council and NHS Manchester.

For more information please visit or contact Steven Turner on 0161 438 7711, or e-mail