ROBINHO was on the ball last night with some quality passes at the City of Manchester Stadium.

Ninety eight youngsters from Tameside High Schools were presented with certificates by City’s Brazilian star as part of the new Enterprise project organised by City in the Community.
The Enterprise City project - backed by the Premier League, the North West Development Agency and the Department for Business - involves CITC working with young people across Manchester and Tameside to give them a better understanding of business by allowing them a unique insight into the running of a professional football club.

Young people from Two Trees Sports College in Denton and Littlemoss High School in Droylsden are the first to gain the accredited qualification and by the end of the school year more than 300 will have taken part.

Among the aspects that students learn about during the ten-week course are marketing, customer service, career planning and the club’s community initiatives.

Alex Williams MBE, who manages the award winning CITC, said: “We were delighted that Robinho could attend the celebration event, and the students were thrilled to meet him.

“The Enterprise project is proving to a great success and the feedback that we are getting from the young people and the schools is that working with a Premier League football club is having a big impact to the young education.”

Youngsters who take part in the scheme get to visit the City of Manchester Stadium and also have the chance of winning MCFC goodies such as free tickets to home games.

Dave Hewitt, assistant head teacher at Two Trees Sports College, said: “Our students have really enjoyed being involved in the enterprise programme.They have developed their business and enterprise skills whilst learning about a premiership football club.  Well done to all the students and City in the Community.”

For more information about the Enterprise City project, contact Mike Green on 0161 438 7711 or e-mail