MCFC’s City in the Community scheme has lent its support to an initiative that recognises members of the community who make a real difference to the neighbourhoods they live in.

The Be Proud Awards are run by Manchester City Council’s Environmental Campaign’s Team and honour Mancunians who go above and beyond the call of duty in their communities to make life better for others - and this year CITC is sponsoring the Sporting Achievement Category.

CITC Managing Director Sarah Lynch said: “As a football club we are very proud to come from Manchester and of the club’s place at the heart of the community.

“Through CITC the club helps thousands of people a year, so we are delighted to support the Be Proud Awards that help to recognise the hard work and commitment of unsung community heroes in Manchester.”

CITC Ambassador Paul Lake helped to launch this year’s awards when he met last year’s Pride of Manchester Winner, June Kelly and some of her Abraham Moss Warriors football team at the City of Manchester Stadium earlier in the month.

Through Abraham Moss Warriors June helps 100’s of young people play football in the Cheetham Hill area of the city.

There are 8 other categories in the Be Proud Awards - including Manchester’s Got Talent, Contribution to the Community, Good Neighbour, Young Citizen of the Year, Contribution to the Environment, Citizen of the Year, Respect Award and Contribution to the Community-Business.

Judging for the Sporting Achievement Award will take place early November and the presentation of the awards will take place at Manchester Town Hall on the 10th December.

So if you know of anyone you would like to nominate for the above awards, log on to and recognise their contribution.