City in the Community has launched an exciting new project as part of the build up to the 2012 Olympic Games.

Supported by the Youth Sports Trust, Sport England and the Premier League, CITC has linked up with sports clubs and schools in the local area in order to introduce young people to new Olympic sports. The project offers free badminton, judo, table tennis and volleyball lessons for boys and girls aged 11 to 16.

Premier League 4 Sport aims to get children from all backgrounds involved in non-traditional, club-based sport. The initiative will help the Government’s ambition to offer young people five hours of sport a week, and address the drop-off in sports participation after secondary school.

Alex Williams MBE, CITC’s Executive Manager, said: “Premier League 4 Sport is a fantastic initiative for young people. If they can get involved at an early age, they could discover a real talent for sport that they might never have discovered. Having Manchester City’s name attached to it will capture the interest of young people in our region.”

If you would like to get involved, click here to find a venue near you.

For more information about Premier League 4 Sport contact Anthony Savage on 0161 438 7711 or e-mail