Manchester City last week honoured local community organisation 4CT at the glittering MCFC Awards 2010.

The organisation, which works across East Manchester, was presented with the City in the Community Award to recognise the valuable work they do in partnership with the Club.

Shaun Wright-Phillips, winner of the Community Player of the Season, presented 4CT with the prestigious award at the glamorous ceremony. 

“We are absolutely delighted to receive this award,” said Claire Evans, Chief Executive of 4CT as she received the prize.

“The support of the club and the CITC charity is absolutely vital to 4CT in terms of shared resources, publicity, staff and access to new funding opportunities. It has enabled us to develop new activities, play, adventure, family days and football training and events that would otherwise be out of reach to some members of the community - we look forward to working with MCFC and CITC and sharing a very successful blue future!’

Shaun Wright-Phillips won the Community Player of the Season award for his admirable charity efforts. He specifically works as an ambassador for Education for the Children, a British based charity that works with underprivileged children in Guatemala. Shaun also acts as an ambassador for the Prince’s Trust and works closely with the Club to support our own charity efforts.

Shaun said, “The club’s been helping in the community ever since I was here as a teenager, and it’s something they have managed to maintain. Coming back here it was the first thing that I wanted to be part of again.  It’s very important to give something back, these are the people that give us all their backing even when things are down.”

4CT is a voluntary sector organisation that manages two community buildings in East Manchester, the Grange Community Resource Centre in Beswick and Sporting Edge in Openshaw. They organise activities for the whole community including sport and play activities for young people in parks in East Manchester, play schemes and holiday clubs for young people and activities for older people such as luncheon clubs for East Manchester residents at the Grange.

For more information visit the 4CT website or contact CITC on 0161 438 7711 or e-mail