Manchester City is proud to announce the introduction of the Connell Awards, a series of awards which will recognise outstanding contribution to urban sport in East Manchester.

Applications are invited for fans to nominate an individual who they feel have shown exceptional dedication and commitment to local urban sports projects, and who wish to make an additional contribution to grassroots sport in East Manchester.

The award carries with it a monetary grant of between £300 and £5,000 with which the recipient can purchase new equipment or extend the provision of community coaching programmes of the sports club they represent.

The Connell Awards are named in honour of the family of Arthur Connell, the first rector of St Mark’s Church in Gorton. The family are credited with creating a great many services for their local community, including a soup kitchen, a penny savings bank and a ragged school. They also created a football team which would, within 20 years, evolve to become Manchester City FC. The community spirit which the Connells brought to East Manchester remains the cornerstone of the club’s new CSR strategy.

The first Connell Award was made on the eve of the Community Shield to Ian Harrison of the Ardwick Lads Amateur Boxing Club. Ian has volunteered at the club, which is the oldest community boxing club in Manchester, for over 25 years.

Ian Harrison with Alex Williams

On being presented with his award by Alex Williams, Executive Manager of City in the Community, Ian said:

“Being the recipient of the first Connell Award has made me feel very proud and honoured that a big club like Manchester City would recognise the work that volunteers like me are doing at community clubs. As well as this award, Manchester City has done a lot to help Ardwick Lads Boxing Club to find a new home and that assistance will also never be forgotten.”

For further information or to submit a nomination for a Connell Award, please visit