Find out a little bit more about City Elite Development Squad skipper George Glendon in this lighthearted question and answer session.

Fact file.

Name: George Glendon

Position: Midfielder

From: Heald Green

Age: 19-years old.

2014/15 stats: 21 appearances, one goal.

Best City moment…?

Playing at the Etihad Stadium for the first time.

Xbox or Playstation…?


FIFA or Pro Evo…?


If you could learn another language…?

Spanish. No particular reason, I just like the sound of the language.

Dream Holiday destination…?

I’d say America because I’ve never been. I’d take a road trip all over the different places.

Guilty pleasure (food)…?

Crisps - Bacon Fries.

Guilty pleasure (music)…?

A bit of 1D.

Favourite film…?

Catch Me if You Can. Class film.

Favourite TV Show…?

Prison Break. Is that a TV show? (Ed: Yes!) That’s my TV show then.

Favourite player of all-time…?


If not a footballer, what would you do…?

I was saying this to Devante [Cole - below] the other day when we watched a film and it was about a guy with an office job – he was the boss of an office. What was it called? Oh, I can’t remember… ask Devante about it!

Best/worst school subjects…?

Best was PE and worst was Science.

Best friends in football…?

To be fair I get along with them all but if I have to choose I’ll say Devante Cole and Greg Leigh.

First footballing memory…?

My first World Cup that I remember watching was the one in Japan and South Korea in 2002.

Best goal you’ve ever seen…?

I’d say Aguero’s, the QPR one. Just for the occasion of it.

Who would you like to be for a day…?

David Beckham. Just to see what he gets up to...

Favourite other sport…?

I don’t follow any others, apart from basketball occasionally.

Best sandwich filling…?

I’d have to go simple – ham and cheese. Bit of salad. Done!

If you could have a super power what would you have...?

To be invisible. See what people get up to.

Funniest teammate…?

I’d have to say Shay Facey. Yeah he’s the funniest guy.

Laziest off the field…?

Devante. (Ed: You’re not the first who’s said that!) Has everyone said him!? That’s not a surprise.

Best trainer…?

I’d say either Sinan [Bytyqi] and I know he’s a goalkeeper but Billy [O’Brien]

Best Dancer...?

I’d have to say Horsy [James Horsfield] He busts some funny dance moves.

Best dressed…?

I’d have to say Shay.

Best first-teamer…?

David Silva. Love watching him play.

For more City Elite Development Squad Q&As, pick up the Match Day Programme at the next home game.