City’s UEFA Youth League star Daniel Grimshaw is a modern goalkeeper in every sense.

The 18-year-old has shown throughout the group stages of the European campaign that he is equally as adept with his feet as with his hands.

Having been at the club for a number of years, the lifelong City fan has a few words of wisdom to pass on to any aspiring shot-stopper.

With your feet

When you get an angle to receive the ball, you have to shape your body as it starts coming back to you. Make sure you’re not closed off to only facing one way. If you leave your body open then you give yourself a number of options.

Find out Rodney Kongolo’s five tips to being a marauding midfielder by clicking here.

With your hands

It’s about working out what type of goalkeeper you are. I’m not the biggest so I have to think about how that affects my game.

I know I need to get my timing right for stuff like catching crosses and narrowing angles because I don’t get away with stuff bigger goalkeepers can. As soon as you make a decision you have to make sure you go through with it.


The main thing is to always be relaxed.

There’s always going to be pressure when you have the ball because you’re near your own goal but if you and the team have worked hard to make sure you’re helping each other out then the best way to show that in a game is by being calm.

I like to listen to music, warm-up on my own and hit some penalties; it’s just about what gets you in the right frame of mind.

Confused about the rules and details of the UEFA Youth League? Click here for a handy guide explaining our youth competition.

Commanding your area

It’s a big part because defenders always like to be reminded there’s someone behind them to help whether we have the ball or not.

That helps keep them focused and if they’re defending well then it’s more likely we’re going to earn a clean sheet.

Work ethic

Some days are going to be bad and some are going to be good so you just have to remember every day is a new day. I wake up and head to training with the aim of working as hard as possible and seeing where that takes me.

Grimshaw and his teammates are next in action in the UEFA Youth League on Wednesday 23 November at Borussia Monchengladbach.

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