With only days remaining before the exciting pre-season tour of the US kicks off we have put together a fans guide for those supporters going stateside for the New York leg of the tour.

The guide includes recommendations of where to eat & drink in the Big Apple along with a busy schedule of events to help bring all the Blues together whilst in the City that never sleeps. Click here to download the guide in PDF format.

The New York Supporters club based at the Mad Hatter Bar have kindly put together a comprehensive list of activities to keep you entertained from Wednesday right through until Sunday, so it is definitely worth a visit!

The exclusive ‘City Live’ event on Saturday 24th July will be a guest list only event and we have a limited number of tickets available to give away to fans coming to NYC. If you’d like to attend simply email us on mcrxnyc@mcfc.co.uk with your details before Tuesday 20th July.

Fans should note that the City Live event is for over-21s only.