Shay Given has made a progress report on his comeback from his dislocated shoulder, and the news is that he is confident of being fit for the start of the Barclays Premier League next month.

The Irish international goalkeeper has been out of action since suffering the injury at Arsenal in late April, but it looks like he is bang on track with an initial diagnosis that had him possibly returning to action in August.

“It’s going really well,” he told from City’s training camp at the Nike Campus in Portland, Oregon.  “I’ve been training with the goalkeeping coach and the physios this week and we’ve brought the mats in to dive about on so I can get that process going once again. It’ll be like that for a week, and then hopefully we will take the mats away and keep building up.

“Early doors after the injury it was all a bit mind-boggling, but the work has paid off and I feel great. I saw the specialist last week, he was delighted with it and he told me to kick on with the rehab work.

If it keeps progressing the way it is then I am hoping to be playing before we leave America. By the second last game or the last game I should be in with a shout of playing, and I’m definitely looking to be ready for the start of the new season.

...Shay Given


“In my own mind I am really confident that I’ll be fit by August 14th. I’m hoping to have had a few games by then, there’s an international in Dublin on the 11th when we open the new stadium there and I would love to be part of that.”

Shay was in excruciating pain when he first suffered the injury, but having made such good progress he can now look back at it with a smile.

“I’ve had a punctured bowel in the past, so dislocating my shoulder was like having a tooth filled in by comparison! I’ve had pain before, it’s part and parcel of football and it’s about how you deal with it.”