Mario Balotelli can’t wait to get the new season underway and is confident City can lift more silverware on the back of the FA Cup triumph.

The Italian striker took man-of-the-match honours against Stoke City at Wembley and led the line superbly against Manchester United to provide further evidence of what an explosive talent he can be.

Relaxed and enjoying the California sunshine, he said: “Everything is going really well and I’m feeling good.  I enjoyed my first year in Manchester, though I admit I took a while to settle down, but I can do better and will be looking to improve and help us win more trophies.”

After tasting Champions League success with Inter Milan, Mario is relishing the prospect of the Blues pitting their wits against the best teams in the world this season.

“I said when I arrived I only wanted to play in the Champions League when it came to European football and now we are so I’m looking forward to it. We have a great squad, the spirit is good so anything is possible, though it will be very difficult.”

Mario also says he is happy to play alongside whoever he is asked to – or alone if the occasion demands it.

“I’ve never relied on anyone else to play my game so it doesn’t matter who I play up front with, “ he said. “As long as I’m doing my job things will be fine.

“If we want to win the Premier League this season, maybe this year we have to pick up more points against the struggling teams because last year we played very well against the top sides but seemed to lose concentration against clubs we should have been beating.

If you want to win the title you have to play at the same level against everybody. We are one of the best teams in England so why can’t we win the title? I think we can do it.


“I’m excited about the future and this season and I hope I’m going to score a lot of goals this year.”