This week, we’re celebrating the world of twitter!

With City players from first team to academy keen to get involved and share their thoughts with the world – 140 characters at a time – we take a look at who has the most followers…


@AgueroSergioKun 3.6million followers

Comfortably topping this list, Argentine striker Sergio Aguero has 3.6million followers from all over the world. The 24–year-old celebrated his third twitter anniversary on Wednesday with a shoutout to his many followers.

Sergio celebrate 

@SamNasri19 1.3million

With 1.3million followers, Samir Nasri pitches in at second this week. He’s recently tweeted about the enjoyment he gets out of his work with City in the Community, as well as his congratulations to teammate Zaba on his inclusion in the PFA Team of the Year.



@21LVA 943,000

City’s wizard David Silva tweets in a mixture of English and Spanish to his 943,000 followers.  David is keen to retweet some of his biggest fans, as well as keeping us updated about the Spanish handball team!


@VincentKompany 767,000

Captain fantastic Vincent Kompany is next up in fourth. Recently fascinated by the Champions League semi-finals, the Belgian defender is keen to share his thoughts on the football he watches. He’s also rallying his 767,000 followers around his new football project @BXBrussels.



@JoleonLescott 459,000

Active since January 2012, Joleon Lescott has amassed 459,000 followers and was another to take to the social networking site to offer Zabaleta congratulations on being selected for the Team of the Year. Joleon’s fashion label also has a twitter account, @LescottStewart.


@pablo_zabaleta 354,000

A regular fixture in our weekly lists, Pablo Zabaleta makes it in at number six this week. The Argentinian favourite recently tweeted about MCFC club photographer, Sharon Latham’s exhibition, as well as showing appreciation for a fan’s photo collage of his contribution over the season.

manchester derby 

@EdDzeko 338,000

At number seven on our list, Edin Dzeko is a twitter hit with his 338,000 followers. The Bosnian striker has made extensive use of instagram on his page, and loves to share images of spectacular views as well as his recent boxing efforts with the world.


@JaviGarcia06 211,000

Another City star who tweets in Spanish and English, Javi Garcia has tweeted over 1300 times since November 2011. A good proportion of those are retweets of his fans.


@Scotty_Sinclair 151,000

Despite not tweeting since the end of last year, Scott Sinclair sneaks into our list in ninth place, with 151,000 followers.

Sinclair action 

@superguidetti 127,000

Swedish striker John Guidetti completes our top ten, notching 127,000 followers to his twitter page. A prolific tweeter, John is another big fan of instagram, and recently caused hilarity by uploading a picture of his own face photoshopped onto a picture of Superman!

John Guidetti 


If you’re a twitter user, the @MCFC twitter page (with 800,000 followers) is looking for 140 fans from all around the globe to share their experiences on FA Cup final day.

In order to be considered to be one of our 140 characters, we want you to tweet why you think you should be involved using the hashtag #City140.

The 140 followers who give us the best reasons will be added to a special Twitter list and their tweets, photos and videos before, during and after the cup final will be used throughout the weekend on and the club’s official Twitter account.

You don’t have to be at Wembley to be involved - as long as you’ll be watching the cup final this is open to every City fan around the world.