Midfield maestro David Silva has urged his teammates to continue their fight for the Premier League title, as - with a game remaining - he feels there is still work to be done.

March’s Etihad Player of the Month, who has been of significant influence in the Blues’ recent success, is aware of the expectation Manuel Pellegrini’s side now have to fulfil the dream they have toiled so vigorously to achieve.

Having clawed their way back to the top of the Premier League summit just as the season reaches its climax, Silva warns City must now avoid going into the final-day clash against West Ham anticipating an easy ride.

“Everyone is saying we have it won but we still think it will be very difficult,” he insisted. “The games now are like finals. We cannot be complacent. What happened at Crystal Palace shows you can never take anything for granted. It was a warning to us about what can happen. 

“We know if we get the win, we win the league so there is pressure but you have to enjoy these moments. They don’t come along all that often.


“If you are enjoying it you can express yourself. If you are suffering and edgy out on the field, that’s when things don’t work out so well.”

Safe from relegation and allegedly with nothing to play for, many are expecting West Ham to visit the Etihad Stadium in a carefree state and with no desire to secure three points. Silva however is wary of the threat such teams possess, dismissing any suggestion the Hammers will not play to win.

“Teams with nothing specific to play for can be more relaxed - but that can make it more tough,” he asserted. “We have to go out with a high tempo from the word ‘go’.

“Winning the title would be nice for everyone connected to the club. We want to win - and make sure the trophy comes back home.”

El Mago also spared a moment to discuss the fine performance and positive influence of his boss, revealing it’s not only the results Pellegrini has managed to improve this season.

“He’s made it a happy place,” declared Silva. “He’s brought a joy and happiness; also to our style of play. We are attack-minded and we score lots of goals.


“He’s made us competitive in every competition. We’ve gone further in them this season. He’s given us that extra push and taken us one step further.

“His calmness has been obvious. He’s added that to the whole club. And it really helps us at difficult moments. It’s nice to have that calm attitude around you when things get tough. 

“Having Manuel here has helped me personally, too. It’s been really good for me. My style of play is more suited to an attacking style. He’s helped me develop as a player. You always want to improve as an individual.

“It’s been a good year for me. I’ve felt good in myself though I’ve suffered with this ankle problem. I’m still feeling it and I’ve been playing through the pain. If I get through these next couple of games, I can get some rest and be fit and ready for the World Cup.”

Questioned on his future, Silva revealed he has no intentions to leave City. Adored by the Blues’ faithful and having found success in England, he insisted: “I’ve always said I’m really happy here.

“Nothing has changed, I’m totally happy. In football, I always focus on the present so all I’m thinking about for now is this last game.”