Take a peek at all the behind the scenes action from Tuesday's Champions League clash with our exclusive snaps...

WORKING THE CROWD: Vieira has his Blue carpet entrance down Pat

NEED A HAND, CAPTAIN? Vincent Kompany greets fans on his arrival at the Etihad

SUPER FRANK: Plenty of cheers as Lampard gets off the coach

CAMERA SHY: Can always count on Sergio Aguero for the perfect pose...

BECAUSE I’M HAPPY: Lamps turns on the big smile

IN POSITION: Moonchester is on hand to welcome the players 

CATCHING UP: Gael Clichy sees a familiar face from his London days in Roma’s Ashley Cole

GAME FACES ON: The team heads out for warm ups

PRE-MATCH RITUALS: Joe takes Hart from a good warm up session

BY JOVE-TIC: One fan can’t believe his luck as he picks up a treasured snap with Stevan 

WALK THE LINE: The City starting XI in position for the tradition shot ahead of kick off

THANK YOU: Frank claps the fans at full time