Frank Lampard says he’s been in many similar situations in the Champions League where the opposition have the odds seemingly stacked in their favour.

The former England midfielder’s wealth of experience could be crucial against Barcelona, whether he starts or not, having played a crucial role in turning second leg deficits on their head.

He also believes it’s not necessarily a bad thing that few are giving the Blues a chance against the Catalans.

“There’s nothing wrong with been written off,” said Lampard. “We’re certainly still in the tie though if it had been 3-1 or 4-1 in their favour, it would be a bit more understandable.

“I’ve been in too many games like this where you don’t perform in one game but it’s a complete turnaround in the second leg.

“Make no bones about it – Barcelona are obviously favourites; they’re ahead 2-1 and they are at home so they have the advantage, but we have the quality at this club to turn this game around.

We have to be at the top of our game in all areas so while it’s a difficult task, we can definitely do it

...Frank Lampard...


Manuel Pellegrini’s

quandary is undoubtedly how to approach the game with City needing two goals at least to have a chance of going through – and that’s providing none are conceded.

So do the Blues adopt a patient approach or go for broke and throw the kitchen sink at Barca?


“Our general principle going into the game is to win it and try and score the goals we need so we’ll take all that on board,” said Lampard.

“Is it a smart move to go all-out attack at the Nou Camp? I’m not so sure but I’m sure we’re good enough and smart enough to go into the match with the right attitude to win.

“We shouldn’t think about the amount of goals we need on the night because you can become quite desperate, but if we perform as we can trying to play attacking football while defending very well, the goals will hopefully come as a consequence.”