Manchester-born Oakland Raiders star Menelik Watson is our guest columnist this week…

I’ve had mixed emotions in the opening weeks of the Premier League and NFL seasons.

Apart from the blips against Juventus and Palace, I’ve been very happy with our start in the Premier League, playing great football, scoring goals and keeping them out at the other end, but things haven’t gone so well on a personal level as I tore my Achilles tendon during out third pre-season game.

To damage your Achilles’ tendon is something of a freak injury that just happens - there is no rhyme or reason for the injury. It just happens and it takes around six months to be back fully and participating in contact football. That’s a long time for anyone but I’m only thinking positively.

I’ve had a successful operation on the injury so each that passes is a little nearer returning to full fitness

...Menelik Watson..


Back on to City and I’ve most definitely enjoyed the new start the season. I think we’ve come out strong and asserted ourselves in the right way. We’re looking really good at the moment and the midweek win over Sunderland was a welcome return to form. 

I think the new signings will only add depth to an already stacked full of quality squad and I really like the look of Raheem Sterling and Kevin De Bruyne. I believe that could be crucial, especially when it gets into the later stages of the season. 


Sure, it was disappointing to lose back-to-back games, but there is a long way to go in the group stages and we have the talent to still to progress as winners. On to the weekend and Tottenham away is going to be a tough fixture. They’ve started fairly well this season and could be a threat – but if we play anywhere near as well as we did at Sunderland, I expect us to win. We’ll see.

I always make part of my plans every year to come back home and catch a City match. My Oakland Raiders team-mates are begging me to take them to Manchester to watch a match live! The biggest fan we have is Quarterback Derek Carr.

He believes he has what it takes to make the City squad, so we’ll have to take him out on the field and let him showcase his talent when we get him over – who knows, maybe he can swap the NFL for the BPL?

Perhaps he can join me on my next trip home and we can see what he’s got in his locker…

Follow Menelik on Twitter @MenelikWatson