Every word Pep Guardiola said at Cityzens Weekend.

 “The reception today wasn’t bad! Thank you for coming here in your house – my new house – I am so, so glad to be here. Thank you to Manchester City for giving me this amazing opportunity here in Manchester, in England. I am pretty sure we are going to enjoy it.”

“I’m here because it is a challenge. I proved myself in Barcelona and again in Germany and now I want to prove myself with my staff and amazing players that Manchester City has and the ones who will join us. We want after every game for fans to be proud of the player. At the end we will see what our level is to win titles. What I want is after the game, after the season, for our supporters and those who love football to enjoy it. That is the most important thing. After that maybe we will win titles but if the people are not proud then there is nothing to do. We need our fans. I cannot do it alone. We need the players, the staff and our fans. Without them this is impossible.”

“Every manager in the world will improve their players. That’s how he improves his team. I work like all managers in the world. I have my point of view, the way I want my team to play. Of course I need time, but in the world we don’t have time! So as soon as possible we will create team spirit and after we will talk about tactics. We have to create something special between each other. The rest will come.”

“I grew up in one of the most important academies in the world in Barcelona. The young players there are so, so important to develop and to break into the first team. One of the reasons why I came here is because I know from Txiki and Rodolfo how well the Academy players are working. For me it’s amazing to see young players grow and grow and imagine that in one or two years they will join us in the first team. Fans of Manchester City need the players who grew up in the Academy because they feel something special about them. Of course it depends on the players. We have one of the best facilities in the world to train them so it depends on their quality. We must play well and try to win one game, then two, then three. The first target is team spirit and to play well.”

“I know of them. I played against them in the last few years many times. I have spoken with Txiki and others who are involved. I know their quality but they must show me and the fans their quality again. What they did in the past is the past. We must try again.”

“My tactics adapt to the quality of my players. I cannot demand something of players that they are not able to give me. I cannot talk about my players or the way we are going to play if I don’t feel it. I love football and the way I feel. Of course they must know me as well.”

“I want my players to be a good teammate – this is the most important quality. I like a player who thinks about himself but also about Manchester City. We are all working here to make this club better. I don’t like the guys to think about what the club can do for them. We are here to help Manchester City to become a better club over the upcoming years.”

“First I must meet my players. I knows them from TV but I must speak with them, hug them and kick their asses. I have an idea but I need time.”

“As a player, one of my dreams was to play here. That was not possible but now my dream has come true as a coach. The atmosphere is wow. I have also come to learn. I am curious to learn about England.”