Scrapbooks are, it’s fair to say, largely a thing of the past – and more’s the pity.

The schoolchildren of yesteryear would lovingly cut out newspaper and magazine snippets of their favourite footballer or team, glue them in their scrapbook and collate a fascinating picture of their chosen subject.

FROM THE ARCHIVES: Japanese warriors and Darth Vader

FROM THE ARCHIVES: City’s 114-year old flag

FROM THE ARCHIVES: Polar bears and the Ice Trophy


FROM THE ARCHIVES: Hyde Road disaster

It was very much a labour of love and, for those who created them, a treasured possession.

In many cases, they also preserved articles that have long since ceased to exist and, in turn, become precious memorabilia of years gone by.In this case, a young City fan called Charlie McGhee idolised City keeper Bert Trautmann – as did many others.

Charlie’s scrapbook of Bert’s incredible career also led to a lifelong friendship between supporter and player.

Charlie became friends with Bert during Bert’s playing career at City which lasted some 15 years.

Charlie’s dad was a doctor who had treated Bert (who famously broke his neck during the 1956 FA Cup final) and it was through this connection that his son was introduced to the former German prisoner-of-war.Charlie and Bert became friends and saw each other occasionally over the years until Charlie passed away, just a few years before Bert.

They were penpals and tried to see each other as much as they could when they were in the same place.

Charlie and his children (who loaned the Club this precious material) are also lifelong Blues – but few would argue Charlie was the biggest fanatic of them all…

Kindly loaned to the Club by the McGhee family.

Do you have any rare City treasures you’d like to share with the Club - we’d like to hear from anyone who has any items from yesteryear...