When City fan David Dyer was sifting through his parents’ storage space a few years back, he came across some old football cards.

They had been in storage since 1973 and he knows his grandmother had them before that, so they are something of a family heirloom

David kindly presented them to the Club to enrich our archives.

READ: From the archives: Shake, rattle and goals!

READ: From the archives: The 113-year-old City flag

READ: From the archives: Joe Mercer’s timeless collection

MEMORY GAME : An early 1920s brainteaser
MEMORY GAME : An early 1920s brainteaser

JC Battock was a company operating out of 5 Finsbury Square, London in the early 1920s.

They issued three printings of their first series of cards during the 1923/24 season, with a later colouring-in series in a different design in 1925.  

PANINI OF THEIR DAY? JC Battock of London
PANINI OF THEIR DAY? JC Battock of London

The cards are quite rare as, after collecting the 18-team specified cards, they could be sent back to Battock’s where they were redeemed for a football or jersey shirt!

In essence, these were the pioneers for the Panini stickers and Match Attax of today.

Do you have any rare City treasures you’d like to share with the Club - we’d like to hear from anyone who has any items from yesteryear...