The Blues boss, speaking ahead of Saturday’s trip to Newcastle, responded to a question of whether he imagined he would settle so well into Manchester life.

The Catalan revealed that the thing that had made him happiest since arriving at the Club, is how his players have responded – and particularly how they react in adversity.

“Before I came here, I knew how tough this league would be, and it is,” said Pep.

READ:Pep inducted into LMA Hall of Fame

READ: Where can I watch Newcastle v City?

“But the players are incredible people and it is a joy to see how well they react if they don’t win or don’t play good.

“They want to improve. When you see that it’s a dream come true. As a manager, that is what you want the most and we have to continue that.

“As I said, I am so comfortable working for this club.”

Pep also answered questions on whether he expects Arsenal to approach his No.2 Mike Arteta in the coming days.

Fulsome in praise for his coach, the Catalan expressed his hope that Arteta will stay for the rest of the season and beyond.

“I don’t know thoughts of Arsenal board,” he said.

“Mikel and I speak quite often, and I don’t know what the plan for his future.

“Freddie Ljungberg is in for the moment and he could stay till end of season I don’t know.

“Hopefully he can stay with us. It’s an honour for us to have a prestigious club like Arsenal looking at our staff. It’s a privilege for us and Mikel, but hopefully he can stay with us.”

Pep also added that progression to the Champions League Round of 16 was the first immediate goal of the team, and that he hopes City can still be in the mix for the title by the time March comes around.

He said: “I said many times, when Liverpool lose one game in a year, we want to arrive with a chance in the last few months to win it.

“They knew it for last five six months of last season. First step of the season is to qualify for Champions League, and we did it.

“Liverpool is doing incredibly well; we know it and can’t expect how many points they will lose.

“We have to focus on ourselves. We have Newcastle tomorrow, then Burnley and United. That is all we are thinking about.”

You can follow the game with live minute-by-minute updates on our Matchday Centre right here on tomorrow from 10.30am.

And a full 90-minute replay will be available from Sunday on the Man City for TV app.