Stuart Pearce has moved quickly to squash rumours that are linking Sylvain Distin with a move to Liverpool.

It has been reported in several newspapers that Rafa Benitez has prepared a bid for the club captain, but the City manager’s response when asked about the subject was an unequivocal, “He’s not going anywhere, he’s staying here.”

Pearce also confirmed that his offer to Bolton for Stelios Giannakopolous, allegedly also a target for the Anfield club, is very much still on the table but he also made it clear that has no problem with Bolton’s response to his approaches.

“We make offers for players, and how other clubs react is their business. I’ve got no axe to grind with Bolton or any other football club.”

With the end of the transfer window looming, Pearce is hopeful that he will be able to bolster his squad and sounded calm where it might be thought that with only a few days left the behind-the-scenes activity might be getting frantic.

“We’re still busy making offers for players, we’re hoping to get a couple in and we will work right up until the last minute of the deadline. We are going to put offers in today, hopefully they will be good enough to bring players to the club. If they’re not, we’ll move on and look for somebody-else.”