The boss believes that he and his players must approach the new campaign with a common purpose.

When the players return to the Blues Carrington HQ later this week one of the points on the manager’s agenda will be to look at targets for the season ahead.

He will listen to the players input and hopes that they will be able to set common goals.

The City chief guided the Blues to their highest ever finish in the top flight with eighth spot last term.

But he would not reveal his thinking on his objectives for this coming season and stressed that would remain, “in house”.

“I have not been at a football club that directly set targets for the players or coaches,” explained the manager.

“But I am seriously thinking about that at the moment. I want to sit down with our squad of players and work out targets between us.

“It will not be a case of me saying what I want but sitting down and asking them what they want.

“We can look at a list of objectives that we want to achieve and that is on my mind at the moment.

“All players are responsible for their own actions so why not all move forward together.

“I am seriously contemplating that and saying to the players, “this is what we want to achieve, these are the results we need to get to do that and with that in mind it will be done.

“It will be done in house and within the training ground and will not be let out beyond the squad.”