Manchester City is delighted to announce the Club’s three nominated charities for the 2007/08 season.

The Club’s community scheme, City in the Community, Caudwell Children and The Genesis Appeal have been chosen from a great many applicants to benefit from the Club’s fundraising initiatives.

Manchester City Chief Executive, Alistair Mackintosh, said: “Our three charities all make a valuable contribution to the Manchester community and we are looking forward to working with them over the coming months. We feel that in CITC, Caudwell Children and The Genesis Appeal we have three charities which will strike a chord with a great many of our supporters and we hope that our fans will help us to support and promote these very worthwhile causes.”

Manchester City Football Club’s award winning community scheme, City in the Community (CITC), was founded as Football in the Community in 1986 with the aim of forging closer links between the football club and the local community.
A registered charity, CITC is responsible for the development of community engagement, social inclusion, health and well-being, education and enterprise and for supporting sustained neighbourhoods across both Manchester and Tameside.
Each year through wide ranging programmes of respectful intervention the community scheme engages with around 200,000 people across all age groups.

CITC’s Director of Community Affairs is former City goalkeeper Alex Williams, who was awarded the MBE for Services to the Community in 2001.

Caudwell Children changes the world for special children by providing direct donations of treatment, equipment, therapies and dying wish holidays. What makes the charity different from any other UK charity is that all of the administrative and management costs are paid for by the charity’s founder and chairman John Caudwell, ensuring every pound raised goes directly to the children.
Trudi Beswick, Chief Executive Officer for Caudwell Children, said: “We are delighted to have been chosen as one of the charities which Manchester City Football Club will be supporting this year.

“As a charity we are fast becoming one of the UK’s leading children’s charities and it is important that we work with communities across the UK to spread the word of how we can change the world for children with special needs.”

The Genesis Appeal is the only UK charity dedicated entirely to the prevention of breast cancer. Currently, one in 10 women is expected to develop breast cancer. The aim of The Genesis Appeal is to create a future without breast cancer, by making one in 10, none in 10.

The Nightingale Centre and Genesis Prevention Centre – Europe’s first ever, purpose built breast cancer prevention centre – was unveiled in July of this year.  The £14 million, state-of-the-art centre is sited at Wythenshawe Hospital in Manchester. The Genesis Appeal raised £2 million to facilitate the build of the centre, with the remaining £12m funded by the NHS.

Genesis Appeal Chairman, Lester Barr said: “We’re delighted that Manchester City has pledged its support for Genesis, and our aim to make 1 in 10, none in 10.  These are extremely exciting times for the appeal, with the recent opening of The Genesis Prevention Centre, and now the support of an iconic Premier League club.”