Mark Hughes made his players sit through their Hamburg agony all over again to help get their minds on the task of beating West Bromwich Albion and keeping up the chase for seventh spot in the Premier League.

Weary City overcame the feisty Baggies 4-2 at the City of Manchester Stadium on Sunday after manager Hughes showed his shell-shocked squad the dvd that illustrated just how close they had come to UEFA Cup glory.

Wayne Bridge revealed: “The gaffer showed us the video and the chances we had on Thursday night. We could have won that game by much more than 2-1. When you saw how many chances we did have, it was agonising really.

“We’ve got to forget it now, put it behind us, and just look forward, but I was still thinking about it Saturday. I’ve got friends who are massive City fans and they still couldn’t believe that we didn’t get the extra goal we needed to go to extra time - or even the fourth goal to put us through to the semi-final.”

Blues boss Hughes warned his tired players that bottom team West Brom would be looking to attack at every opportunity to take advantage after a tough week, and so it proved as they got back to 2-2 in the second half.

Bridge admitted: “It was a hard game, mainly because of Thursday. That game took a lot out of some players, and I found it difficult on the legs, so we were just glad to get the win.

“At 2-0 we should have changed the way we were playing, just kept the ball and not conceded, but the way we play we always attack, maybe a bit too much at times, and that’s something we have to work on.

“But we knew they’d come here and attack us, because they were fresh and would keep coming at us. It felt a bit slack at times because of Thursday, but we all knew it was a must-win game, and a game that we should win.”