His first week in training with his new team mates has impressed new signing Shay Given.

The Irish international arrived on Sunday night and has had several days to prepare for what could be his debut against Middlesbrough on Saturday. But he’s eager to get the spotlight off him, and is focussing on tomorrow’s important fixture.

“Saturday won’t be about me, it’s about getting three points and climbing up the league. It won’t be easy because Middlesbrough are fighting for their lives, but training this week has been fantastic. The step up in level from what I was used to in terms of players has been amazing, there are some exciting players out on the training pitch and I am looking forward to playing alongside them in the team.”

The 32-year-old has also reflected on his move to City and what could lie in store for him.

“It’s a new chapter in my life here at City, I am very excited about it and looking forward to the challenge. I went to Newcastle to win something, but that did not materialise, and I think I am joining a club that has a real opportunity to try to pick up some silverware.

“I am 32, which in goalkeeping terms is still relatively young and I think I can play for a good number of years yet. Speaking to the Manager about the ambitions he and the club has, it’s very exciting times.

“I’m very grateful and honoured that the Manager has chosen me to come to this club. He could probably have picked a number of goalkeepers, so I am delighted to be here.  Speaking to him since I signed, he has gone over where he wants to take the Club, and it’s all very positive.”

And manager Mark Hughes has underlined how pleased he is to have bolstered his options with Given by adding,

“I was delighted to get such an outstanding goalkeeper. Shay has been one of the best in the Premier League for a long time, and has been a shining light at Newcastle. He was outstanding against Liverpool under difficult circumstances a few weeks ago, and he has a huge reputation among players and managers. I have great respect for the way he conducts himself and to bring such an experienced Premier League keeper to us at this time is a real bonus.”