Mark Hughes reckons his men are ready to fulfil lofty expectations.

The manager is far too canny to promise an end to the trophy drought but admits that he has rarely experienced such positivity around a club.

Every nook and cranny of the stadium and training facilities is crammed with the belief that the Blues are ready to ruffle feathers towards the top of the Premier League.

“There is a real ‘feelgood’ factor about the club at the moment. There has been an enormous amount of work done to help the club move forward both in terms of the playing strength and the provision of buildings and facilities,”  reckoned the boss.

“There is a real sense that we can fulfil expectations this year. Last year it was a struggle because expectations were too high and we weren’t in a position to fulfil them.

“We feel we are in a better position in all aspects of the club than we were at this time last year. There is a buzz about the workplace and anticipation. It is a really positive atmosphere.

“There is a real sense amongst the coaches and the players that we can achieve something this year.”

Hughes also believes that the tide of opinion within the game may be changing and that the Blues are being considered a growing power in the game.

“People outside City are also beginning to get the perception that we are trying to build something special here,” he reasoned.

“The business that we have done so far illustrates that. It is not a case of pulling names out of the air. It is about getting the right players for the right positions that will help us for the future.

“I expect us to be really strong this season. There is a lot of conjecture out their suggesting that no one can break into the top four and that we are kidding ourselves but in the media I think there is a growing understanding that we could be a factor.

“If you look at the bookies odds I think they also feel we have a chance; we are much shorter odds that we have been in previous seasons.

“There is huge interest in what we do and lots of people are talking about us including other team’s players and managers and that’s a good thing.”