Mark Hughes is targeting City's lunchtime appointment on Saturday as one of his milestones for the season.

The Blues resume the Barclays Premier League programme in sixth place, one ahead of a side that the Manager has targeted as one for City to overhaul in 2009/10.

He told “Liverpool have been at the top end of the table and in Europe for a long, long time but we have to go to places like Anfield and get results. We showed with our performance at Old Trafford that we are more than capable of going to the ‘big 4’ clubs and turning in good performances. We are looking to do that again and make sure we have a real go. It’s important because Liverpool are one of the teams we want to overcome this year.”

With the game kicking off at 12.45pm, Hughes is hoping that City can get the kind of result that sets an agenda for the sides around them in the table, and he continues,

“I think we’re going in good shape and it’s the first game of the weekend. Of late at times we have played after other teams have got positive results, but we’re first-up and if we can get a good result we can sit back and watch the rest come in. We might be able to put a little pressure on the teams around us, it’s nice to have the opportunity to have the first crack of the whip.”

With Liverpool trailing Birmingham for a good part of their recent home draw, Hughes is hoping that City can get amongst their opponents although he admits that keeping Anfield quiet can be a big ask.

“It has not been that quiet too many times when I’ve been there,” he adds, “but there is a feeling at the moment that they are not doing as well as they can. Maybe there is a little bit of pressure that we can capitalise, but they are a good team.

“One of our better performances away last year was at Liverpool where we caused them real problems. If we can replicate that, and there’s no reason why we can’t, it’s a game for us to look forward to. With Liverpool being at home, the onus is on them to try to create and score goals. That has not always been the case for us of late, we have been caught by a couple of sucker-punches but this time maybe we have the capacity to do that to Liverpool.”