Mark Hughes tonight warned Brazil it would be ‘foolhardy’ to play Robinho against England at the weekend.

The Blues striker has been checked out by his country’s medical staff and remained with the squad after flying out with Club Doctor Jamie Butler on Wednesday.

City have given Robinho their blessing to remain with the national group but have made it clear that they do not expect him to play.

“The situation is that our doctor went back with him to Qatar late last night and had discussions with Brazilian officials,” explained the Blues boss after his young side was beaten 1-0 in the Emirates Foundation Cup game at Zayed Sport City. 

“They felt they wanted him to be involved in the squad and, looking at the pros and cons, the decision was made that he could stay with them under the proviso that he doesn’t take any part in the game. 


That’s my understanding of it and we don’t expect him to play – certainly not on Saturday or Tuesday.

...Mark Hughes



“I’m not aware of what Brazil are saying. Our doctor was sent with Robbie because we feel it would be very much a risk if he is involved in the games. 

“That’s where we are with it. He has had one training session in 8-10 weeks, so to actually think he could be ready for a full international against England would, I suggest, be foolhardy.

“He may benefit from training with the quality of the squad that Brazil has but frankly we would be disappointed if he played in a full international because he would compromise himself.”

Hughes praised the UAE side that beat his mix and match side in last night’s game but couldn’t hide his frustration at losing to a penalty thanks to an error by Stuart Taylor.

“It was good experience for the younger players in our squad but I was disappointed in the way we lost and that we didn’t create much in the game in terms of chances,” reflected the manager.


The week here though has been a great success. New relationships have been built and present ones made stronger so from that point of view we are delighted with what has happened.

...Mark Hughes


“The game itself was a little bit flat at times , perhaps as a consequence of the make-up of our team, but as I said the younger ones will have furthered their education.”