Vincent Kompany has assured Blues fans that the defeat at Everton will have no bearing on City's bid for Wembley in tomorrow night's Carling Cup semi-final derby first leg.

City’s 2-0 reverse at Goodison Park on Saturday night, only the third of the campaign, prevented the team from returning to the all-important fourth place in the Premier League table.

But Kompany insists that Roberto Mancini’s men can bounce back stronger for the City of Manchester Stadium showdown as the Blues eagerly pursue their first League Cup since 1976. 

He admitted: “The result was a disappointment for us all, that’s what I saw on everybody’s face. But we have all been through a lot of stuff through the years so Everton won’t affect us at all.

“Being beaten hasn’t happened a lot this season. But when it has, we’ve learned from it and come out stronger. We lost to a free kick and a penalty but we’ve made mistakes, and if we work on those mistakes, we are going to be a better team against United.

“We’ve had a lot more delicate stuff to deal with this season than the Everton defeat. We’re a strong squad and we have to make sure we’re at our best in the semi-final.

“We’ve bounced back from situations already this season, just look at the table. We are going to be super-motivated, and we’ve got all the ingredients for a very good first leg.

“When you lose a game, the first thing you want to do is to get back out on the pitch and do it better, so I can guarantee that all the players are hungry going into the derby.

Vince added: “We’re as excited as the fans. One thing they can do for us is make the place a blue hell on Tuesday night. If they do that, we’ll take care of the rest.

“We can bounce back from any situation with the help of our fans. Remember Hamburg? The crowd were the 12th man and lifted us to score three. If they can do that on Tuesday we’ll have an extra man on the pitch - then it’s up to the players to do the job.”