Marton Fulop wants his new team mates to get all the glory if City qualify for the Champions League.

The Hungarian keeper, signed on an emergency loan last week, is completely focused on the task in hand after making his debut in Saturday’s win over Aston Villa, and he’s happy to put any personal ambitions to one side.

Marton said, “I don’t want to be a hero, I just want to do a job for the club. That’s why I came here, I want the team to be the heroes and then we can celebrate at the end of the season.

“You’re always trying to prove yourself, and at this level you can never take your foot off the gas. Everyone always has to give their best, I really like training and when I get the opportunity I like to prove myself. But I don’t consider this situation like I’m in a shop window, what’s most important is for City to be in the Champions League next season.”

The 26-year-old’s debut in a game crucial to City’s European ambitions came at the end of a week that started with him on the sidelines at Sunderland. Now, by complete contrast, he is preparing for his part in a game that will have enormous ramifications for both his current club and one of the other clubs he been with since coming to England six years ago.

“It’s not been like a normal week!” he admits. “I got the call from City on Tuesday night asking me to come to training on Wednesday, I’d heard the rumours that Shay’s injury was serious but that was all.

I knew I’d have to adjust to my new club quickly, and the lads made it very easy for me. It’s a good group here and it’s a pleasure to work with them.

...Marton Fulop


“It’s been exciting to come here now with the battle for fourth. This is a fantastic club, the fans are amazing and they are one of the best teams in the Premier League.

“Wednesday will be like a cup final, someone else has already said it but it is winner takes all. But if we play like we did against Aston Villa then I really think we can get the win.”