One of England’s six Blue lions is looking forward to returning to Premier League action at the weekend, even if it means playing in a different role for his club.

Joleon Lescott had an impressive match for England against Switzerland in midweek in his favoured role of central defence, but he’s likely to be back on full-back duties against Blackburn Rovers on Saturday.

The former Everton defender is familiar with the role having played there a number of times during his career and is happy to continue in the position for as long as needed.

“I don’t mind playing left-back at all – it’s more important for me to stay fit and stay in the team at the moment,” said Lescott.

I’ve been unlucky with injuries since I came to City but hopefully that’s all in the past now. If the manager thinks I can do a good job for him in that position, I’m more than happy to play there

...Joleon Lescott


“What’s most important is that we do well as a team. Obviously I want to play as often as possible but the main thing is we do well as a unit – all I can do is play the best I can and give 100% every game and then see where that takes me.”

Lescott arrived at City with the reputation of something of a goal-scoring centre-half with 29 career goals before signing for the Blues – but he’s only managed two since joining from the Toffees last year.

“Yeah, I am on a bit of a goal drought at the minute!” he laughed. “I think everyone knows I like to get forward and try and score the odd goal and I’ve been able to get down the flanks while I’ve been playing at left-back recently.

“I need to get in the right positions to have the opportunities, so we’ll see what happens.”

The 10-times capped defender also says City won’t underestimate Blackburn Rovers this weekend: “They won’t make it easy for us and because of the players we have at the club, teams are fired up when they play us.

“They have their style and we need to adapt to handle that and take the game to them. But we feel confident we can win the game and beat anyone – Chelsea, Arsenal, Manchester United – we don’t fear anyone.

 “We’ve started the season well but we’ll get better. Sunderland was disappointing, but defensively, I think we’re looking really strong.

“I want to be involved but there are plenty of games to be played this season and I’m sure I’ll have my chances. My aim is to return to central defence but I’ll play wherever I’m asked to help the team.”