No use crying over spilt milk, as they say in the canteen. Carrington was back in full swing post-Anfield with the small matter of an FA Cup semi-final next up, and as ever club photographer Shaz was at the heart of the preparations.


Brandon is chuffed with the tidy clear kit room ready for packing

Here’s a happy chappy. Not THE Chappy, obviously, but his accomplice Brandon, who seems delighted that the new training kit has arrived. Er, Brandon lad, somebody’s going to have to wash all that extra gear. Who? Well, we can’t see anybody else ...

Dejong Chasing David Silva

News travels fast. Nigel de Jong is chuffed to hear about the new gear. David Silva should be too - the sleeves on his current top are a bit too long. But his mind’s elsewhere: shave Saturday or have that swashbuckling Three Musketeers look for the game?

Team Run

The other lads are putting a bit of a spurt on. Word is that Brandon’s laid out the new kit and it’s first come, first served. Nobody wants that XXL that always seems to find its way into every delivery ... 


Team talk with Mancini on the pitch

Then it’s down to serious business. Roberto experiments with the concept of a  new strategy to defend free kicks, but Kiddo is not convinced that a 17-man wall will be allowed ...   

The Boys get ready in preactivation before training

Back in the gym, Edin’s not so pleased. Yup, you guessed it, by the time he got to Brandon, only the XXL top was left. He’s mulling that over so much, he’s facing the wrong way without realising ...  

Zabba checks the board for FA cup info

But it’s Pablo Zabaleta who suffers the worst sartorial blow of the day. Armani suits? We’re travelling in Armani suits? So I bought that new Guns ‘N’ Roses T-shirt for nothing ...