Joe Hart is just 180 minutes away from breaking Nicky Weaver's club record for clean sheets as City bid to finish the season with the FA Cup and Champions League qualification.

The England goalkeeper’s shut-out at Blackburn on Monday night was his 25th of the campaign - leaving him just one short of Weaver’s milestone 26 achieved in the 1998-99 promotion season.

Hart can equal that mark with another perfect game against West Ham on Sunday and would then have four Premier League games and the FA Cup Final at Wembley to raise the bar to 26 or higher.

Joe, who has also enjoyed three shut-outs for England, admitted: “I knew that I had 25, but I didn’t know that Nicky kept 26 that season for the record.

“The way I see it, if I keep clean sheets we’ve got a good chance of doing what we want to do this season but it’s an added bonus if there’s a personal target as well.

“You do think before you go out ‘keep a clean sheet’, and when there’s not long left and it’s maybe 2-0 or 3-0, you still think ‘keep a clean sheet’.

Me and the back four, we all think the same. Whether we’re 5-0 up or 1-0 up, we don’t care: we don’t concede


“As Vinny [Kompany] says at the end of a game, if we’d conceded in the last minute we’d all be crying even though we’d won 5-1.”

After Sunday, Hart has League games against Everton, Tottenham, Stoke and Bolton - plus the Cup Final against Stoke - to write his name into the Blues record books.

He said: “This is my best season by miles! But I think it’s got a lot to do with the lads who are in front of me. Half the games, I’ve not even touched the ball!

“It would be amazing to get the record! There’s been a lot of games this year so that’s why I’ve got the chance. I’ve just tried to keep clean sheets so we can win games.”

Weaver, whose record came in 55 games, said: “I didn’t expect anyone to get near it for a long time. But Joe’s a terrific keeper and a great lad, so if have to lose it, I’d rather it was him.”