Shaun Wright-Phillips wants to stay with City for the rest of his career.

The City and England winger is in his tenth year as a City player having first joined the club in 1998 and though he spent three years away with Chelsea, he returned in 2008 to the place he calls ‘home’.

“I’ve gone through all the changes the club has undergone over the years, seen everything and witnessed it all, from the Maine Road days to the Gillingham play-off final,” he said.

“It feels like I’m part of the furniture here and I’d love to retire a City player. I’ve got my fingers crossed that this is something that can still happen.

“When I did leave in 2005, I broke down crying on the way to sign for Chelsea, but back then, we needed the money my sale brought in.

“I think I’ve been really lucky to have played for City for a total of ten years, but for me, the biggest pull has always been the fans.

They’ve been with me since I was playing as a schoolboy, all the way through the reserves, right the way through my career



“They didn’t even turn their back on me when I left for Chelsea and they always gave me a brilliant reception home or away and I can’t explain how good that feels.”

Trying to put his finger on his incredible popularity with the Blues’ faithful, Shaun reckons the City fans love nothing more than someone who gives their all for the shirt.

He says: “I just try to give it everything every time I play – that’s the only way I can thank them. The least I can do is not to short change them on the pitch - that’s my outlook every time I cross that white line.

“Now I want to fulfil a lifelong dream and help win a trophy for our fans. To pay them back, I wouldn’t just want to beat United and then lose in the final – we need to get to the final and win it and if I could play even a small part of making that happen, I’d be a happy man.

“It would be incredible for everyone if we could bring a trophy home. I just hope I can stay here for many years to come and be part of many other successes, too.”

Read the full SWP interview in the new issue of ManC – the Blues’ official monthly magazine – out now.