Here we go ... a fresh slice of life from Carrington, warts and all, courtesy of intrepid club photographer Sharon, who reaches the parts that no other snapper can.

Chappy takes pride in his work

Is this the unacceptable face of Manchester City? Chappy has never been the north-west gurning champion, as far as we know, but if there’s any room left in the trophy cabinet we might enter him next year ...


Gael Chatting to patrick and kolo

I don’t know why he pulls those faces, says Gael Clichy. In France, we don’t have anything like that, people are a lot more low key. And who is this Les Dawson you keep mentioning?


Joleon reading some of the questions sent for him for his city tv interview

Joleon’s decided to google “gurning” and “Les Dawson” for Gael, but he’s a bit bemused by what he sees. City TV producer Neil Cole is being patient:  they’re supposed to be filming something completely different ... 


Steve Aziz outside the newly built extension to the kit room

There’s a brand new kit room, built in the summer, and assistant kit manager Steve Aziz is well pleased - hence the double thumbs up, which he rarely uses and which had Sharon snapping away like nobody’s business ...


The tidy work of Chappy and his kit men

She can’t resist a random general shot either. No, we’ve not photoshopped anybody out ... we were thinking of claiming it as an exclusive shot of the Invisible Man. But he’s not really here ...  


Chappy working hard in the kit room

Now here is an exclusive - Chappy with his serious work face on. Not a gurn in sight - and to be fair to Les, he gets through a ton of work when Sharon’s not around. Ta for the tenner, Les, is that all right?