Welcome to Carrington, Samir. And if you think you can shake off club photographer Sharon by poking your tongue out, that's just not going to work, she's made of tougher stuff ...

Samir Arrives at Carrington

So, first day of training then. The boss said there’s no dress code, I’ll team my cool black leather jacket from Paris with these old jeans I painted the kitchen in. Hey, it’s a cool look, dude, I’m French ...


Lombardo greets our new player

Hey Samir, I’m Attilio ... you’ll love it here, the pasta at lunchtime is to die for! The croissants? Couldn’t say, you’ll have to ask Patrick and Gael about that ... 


Happy to see pal Kolo Toure

Give us a hug,  pal ... Sharon assures us that it’s Kolo Toure giving a great impression of a headless mannequin. We considered posting this one as a competition, but there was no time for a dummy run ... 


Finally out with the boys  

Gareth has just had a quick glance behind him ... Samir and the lads are having a giggle at the back, he tells James Milner. When I say “go” put a bit of a sprint on, we’ll win this one easy ...


Getting down and serious with Training

Ah, that’s more like it, I love the ball at my feet ... and if none of you are going to try and tackle me, I’ll keep it ...


Straight to work with signing

I might keep all these as well ... I’m going to put my name on all the spares while nobody’s looking ...