Try to explain Twitter to the people in the crowd the last time City competed for the Community Shield in 1973 and you would have probably been looked at in complete and utter bafflement.

Of course, social media is an every day part of life nowadays and a big part of our build up to Sunday’s season curtain-raiser against United at Wembley.

If you’re on Twitter, you’ll probably know all about hash-tags already, and if you don’t - don’t worry, it’s easy!

We want City fans on Twitter to post photos, video clips, and messages all day on Sunday before, during and after the game using the hash-tag #cityatwembley.

If you’re going to the match, we want not only the game, but the whole day from your perspective. We want to see photos of blue and white scarves out of car windows making their way down the M6. We want to see videos of the atmosphere on the train down to Euston. We want to see the view from your seat. We even want to know if you’re wearing your lucky socks!

If you’re not at the game, tweet a photo of where in the world you’re watching it. Tell us everything and anything that’s happened and is happening in your day.

After the game we will be compiling everything that has been tweeted using the tag #cityatwembley to create a unique fans-eye view of the day.

The more people we have joining in, the better, so if you’re already following City on Twitter, invite a friend and show them how they can join in and help us turn Twitter (and Wembley) blue for the day!