David Silva is a magician a man whose ability to mesmerise with a football know no bounds and if you don't believe us then read and watch on.

David Silva is a wizard, take the word of his teammates.

Only last weekend in an exclusive interview with citytv, Shaun Wright-Phillips dubbed the Spanish World Cup-winning wizard “Merlin”.

And England goalkeeper Joe Hart reckoned that football comes too easy for the silky-skilled midfield maestro Silva, who conducts the orchestra with a wave of his wand-like left boot.

SWP’s reference to Merlin got us thinking here at city@home. If Silva and his box of tricks is the mover and shaker of Arthurian legend then who in the current squad could be the King himself or Lancelot, Sir Gawaine, Sir Galahad or Sir Percivale?

And why stop there. Are there any other historical characters from fact or fiction that can be likened to our current squad or those of the past? How would Silva stack up against Gandalf (the Grey or the White) or the Wizard of Oz?

Have a bit of fun, get your thinking caps on and join in the growing and entertaining debate on our official Facebook pages and Twitter feed.

The best replies will be used for the entertainment of all City fans here on the site and we will throw in a prize – yet to be determined – for the best offering as judged by our own Round Table of noblemen.

Special thanks to Lord Andy Oliver for the brilliant David ‘Merlin’ Silva mock-up above.