Gael Clichy made an instant impression with the Club staff on his first day at City. Personable, friendly and with a smile as big as a Cheshire Cat, the French defender looked at home from the moment he arrived at Eastlands.

Gael was left holding the baby as a young family asked if he would have his picture taken with their pride and joy - though he wasn’t sold a dummy and delivered the toddler back safely to his parents. Sorry, the jokes don’t get any better...

Clichy is greeted by some younger fans before he gets into eastlands

Then it was off for a quick stadium tour with Brian Marwood, a citytv cameraman and Sharon Latham, the club photographer. “Where does Grandma sit and will we still be doing The Poznan next season?” were two of his first questions.

 Clichy Shakes hands at Eastlands

Gael was then left alone with his thoughts for a few moments as he surveyed the home of the finest football club on the planet. “The first team I played for used to play in light blue so it’s bringing back memories,” he commented.

 Clichy Surveys the stadium

Next up was a visit to the home dressing room and an interview for the official website. Camerman (and more than useful midfield play-maker) Paul Sutcliffe attaches the microphone to Gael as the pair exchange tips on chequered shirts.

Clichy gets ready for his first exclusive interview with

Then it was into Brian Marwood’s office to sign a four-year contract that we all hope will bring Gael the silverware and winners’ medals he craves. “Phew,” says Gael. “Can’t believe I got away without having to the traditional shot of holding the shirt to one side and smiling photo.”

 Clichy Signs

Ha! That’s what you think Mr Clichy. Nobody escapes the shot all new signings must have... “Any more lip and we’ll get you holding a scarf above your head, young, man,” as Brian Clough might once have said. All in all, a happy day for player and City - Gael Clichy is going to prove a shrewd move and a popular addition to the squad.

  Clichy Shirt Shot