That first day in a new job is always hectic, maybe even a bit scary ... especially if you've got intrepid club photographer Sharon snapping your every move, eh Sergio? But it all went well for our record signing, and here's the proof ...

Sa pic1 on his way to meet the fans

Coming through, mind your backs ... Sergio is flanked by City security as he heads for his meeting with City fans who’ve gathered to welcome him to Manchester ...

Sa Pic2 Everyone Pleased to see him

Over here, Sergio, over here ... a synchronised stretch to snap the back of his head on multiple mobile phones while Shaz stands well back and gets the professional picture - of course ...

Sa pic3 look whos waiting to show him round the stadium

Hey, I remember my first day, mon ami, says the dapper gent keeping a leisurely eye on proceedings. It was double training back then, and just a quick salad sandwich for lunch, recalls Patrick Vieira ...

Sa pic4 famous shirt shot

Down to business then ... give us your best “this is my new shirt” smile please Sergio, says Sharon ...

Sa pic5 pitch shirt change

Hey, Pablo told me the changing area was out of this world, not out on the pitch ...

Sa pic6 genuine smiles all round

No Sergio, you have to do it ... nobody ever signs for an English club without posing for a photo giving the traditional Paul McCartney double thumbs-up ... don’t worry, hardly anyone will see it. Sharon, you fibber ...