Just like buses eh? You wait all summer for a signing and then two come along in three days. But no matter how thick and fast they arrive, Sharon is always here to snap the stars, warts and all (not that they ever have warts).

Stefan Savic hits Carrington almost before the dust had settled from Gael Clichy joining the gang ...

Stefan Savic

Okay, let’s get one thing straight before we start - no jokes about Richard Ashcroft, right? I liked The Verve as much anybody, but I don’t look anything like him, okay? Okay ... I’m ready for my close-ups now. 

Stefan Savic

ManC editor David Clayton collars Stefan for an interview and a promise that he’ll do the rock reviews for the magazine. We were thinking of getting Richard Ashcroft, but ... Dave’s voice trails off as he sees Stefan’s blank look ...

Stefan Savic

Yes, you could do with a few new shirts by the look of things Stefan but no, we’re not measuring you up, you’re being wired for sound - no, no, it’s for an interview, you won’t have to sing ...

Stefan Savic

Just give me that natural look in the new away shirt, Stefan, says social media editor Chris Nield, that’ll be fine. Has anybody ever told you that you look like - oh, they have? Right, we’ll move on then ...  

Stefan Savic

Here’s the shirt shot, you have to do the shirt shot Stefan, it’s as obligatory as Paul McCartney giving the thumbs up or the Queen waving out of the car window. And, to be fair, you do it with a certain verve. Sorry ...

 Steffan Savic

 This is the place to be, Stefan, says City’s head of player care Haydn Roberts as they survey the Stadium and Lee Jackson’s manicured turf. Yes, says Stefan, I’m a lucky man ... doh!