If the months of June and July are considered this country's silly season in the Press, March proved to be City's.

Mario Balotelli kicked things off by helping to promote Comic Relief’s Red Nose Day and trust us when we say only Sharon Latham could have got him to do the above pose.

Elsewhere Gareth Barry spent his day off at the Children’s Adventure Farm Trust in Cheshire where both he and Shaun Wright-Phillips proved to be a huge hit with the kids at one of the club’s nominated charities for the 2010/11. The paint was flowing and the players seemed to have just as much fun as the youngsters.

Gareth gets his face painted at the adventure farm

Elsewhere, Joleon Lescott arrived at Carrington in a Ford Transit community bus bought with funds raised by City in the Community and liked it so much, he drove the team to Alton Towers in it. OK, that was a lie... it was Gulliver’s World. 

Joleon and new community transport vehicle

Club Ambassador Mike Summerbee was finally arrested and taken in for questioning for mentioning Escape to Victory 33 times in one day, but as Franny Lee said, “It had been coming.” Of course, Buzzer accepted the charges with good grace and promised only to mention the fact he played alongside Pele and Sly Stallone on days ending with the letter ‘Y’ from now on. 

Mike gets locked up for charity

Micah Richards demonstrated his return to fitness by, well, just showing off in training. The Blues’ popular defender may be able to leap like a salmon and sting like a bee, but he ain’t as pretty as Muhammad Ali. Actually, it was just great to see Micah back in action after injuries disrupted a fantastic season during which he should have won back his senior England place. Your move Mr Capello...

 Micah in training

Finally, in case anyone had forgotten during this month of madness, there were one or two football matches to be played and as City took on Aston Villa for the right to play Reading in the last eight of the FA Cup, Richard Dunne informs Yaya Toure, “I used to run this gaff, mate so respect is due.”

Yaya’s response was, “You don’t wanna mess with me today, son!” City went on to win 3-0 as Wembley drew ever closer.... 

Holding Image Toure and Dunn head to head villa