Hold the bus! You can't set off without Sharon, lads, or it wouldn't be an FA Cup homecoming parade now, would it? Take a butcher's at these snaps and you'll see why ...

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Hey, our kid, are you sure we’re allowed up here then? Well, nobody’s told us to get down, have they? Hang on, I think Carlos is waving at me ...

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Psst Edin, I am grinning away here for Sharon’s picture, but you are standing on my foot ... and who’s supposed to be looking after the lid, by the way? Do I have to do everything myself?

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That’s better guys, I want to take some pictures myself. I see you looking over, Patrick, Aleks, but you’re not going to be in this one, get over it ...  

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Hey Carlos, Carlos, over here! You’re my hero, mate, which is why I’m risking life and limb balancing on top of this sign ...

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He’s not gonna be able to get down from there, is he? says Gareth. Nope, fire brigade job that, says Patrick ...

 Legends Poznan Homecoming

Are you sure about this, Buzzer? No problem, Skip, when I say ‘jump’ we all jump, right? Three, two, one ...