Joe Hart picked up his second prize in six days when the Barclays Golden Glove award landed in the safest hands in the Premier League.

Club record breaker Hart has kept 17 clean sheets in the League this season to snatch the trophy ahead of former winners Petr Cech and Edwin van der Sar with the last game still to play.

Another shut-out at Bolton on Sunday would give the 24-year-old England keeper 29 clean sheets in all competitions to set a formidable target after surpassing Nicky Weaver’s club record 26.

Hart said: “It’s a great honour to get this. But it doesn’t mean I’m the best goalkeeper in the Premier League - I’m collecting it on behalf of the whole team, because we defend as a team.

“A few of the lads have been keeping tabs on it and they were keener for us to get the club record. It’s a surprising number of clean sheets to keep, and you’ve got to be happy.

“I hadn’t realised how well we were doing, but it was brought to my attention and Weavs texted me. He was a legend to me when he was here. I’m pleased he’s doing well now at Sheffield Wednesday.”

Joe, signed from Shrewsbury five years ago, added: “It’s crazy! I’ve won this and got an FA Cup winner’s medal in the space of a few days - there was a time I didn’t think I’d win anything!

I always thought we’d get to this stage, but thinking it and doing it are two different things


“We’ve still got a massive game on Sunday and hopefully we’ll keep another one, score a few goals and finish the season off right. Let’s get third and nail the Champions League place.

“This award will have pride of place somewhere in the house - when I’ve got somewhere to put it! I’ve got no furniture at the moment, I’ve just moved.”