Micah Richards says the Blues qualifying for the Champions League for the first time still hasn’t quite sunk in yet.

Despite still be only 22, Richards is one of City’s longest serving players and he’s seen the lean times as well as the good.

Confirming fourth spot in the Premier League against Spurs has now taken things to new heights for the popular defender, now in the form of his life.

“It’s just amazing and for me, unbelievable,” he said. “I’ve always dreamt of playing in the Champions League and now I’m going to have to pinch myself to realise it has really happened.

“To have the chance of playing against the best players in the world is incredible and I can’t wait.”

Richards was quick to pay tribute to Roberto Mancini, too, claiming that the Italian boss has inspired him to become a better player.

“I try and give 100% for the team and the manager,” he said.

He’s been fantastic with me ever since he came here. I try and repay him by playing well on the pitch

...Micah Richards


“Both teams had chances in the first half and it could have gone either way, but we dug in deep in the second half and I think that shows how far we’ve come because a couple of years ago, we’d have probably lost tonight.

“There’s a chance because we’ve got two games left and we’re just two points behind them, but we’re just going to take each game as it comes – the main thing is that we’ve already qualified for the Champions League and nobody can take that away from us.

“Right now we’re just going to enjoy the moment and then concentrate on the FA Cup Final on Saturday – how good does that sound?

“If we play as well as we can against Stoke and David Silva continues to play like a magician, we’ve every chance of being able to celebrate again on Saturday.”