Micah Richards received an early Christmas present this week when he was allowed to throw away one of his crutches.

The Blues ace has been on the side lines since tearing his meniscus in the win over Swansea in October but is making steady progress towards a return.

He certainly hasn’t been idle during his lay-off.  Daily trips to the gym and physio have been augmented by some serious hair growing!

And he is hard at it too on the charity front.

“I am not putting a date on when I will be back because these things are never exact but I am hoping it will be in early February,” he revealed.

“There is still not too much I can do but I am now on one crutch instead of two so that is progress.

“Of course it is frustrating and there is nothing more I would like than to be out there playing but I am being well looked after, the injury is responding and the knee getting stronger every day. I am busy try to build the muscle up and I am doing some weights.

“As for the hair – I think it will look pretty cool although I’m not sure the rest of the lads agree - anyway I am not having it cut until I come back and play so it should be pretty awesome by then!”

...Micah Richards...


Micah has also announced that he has been made an Ambassador for Alive and Kicking, a UK based enterprise that has been set up for the stitching of footballs in Kenya, Zambia and Ghana.

More than 120 jobs have been created and around half a million balls stitched and donated on the African continent.

“I am delighted to be an ambassador; I was sent one of the balls a couple of years back and I have been interested ever since,” he said. “I will get involved and help where I can.”

The popular Blues ace will help launch the Christmas appeal for Alive and Kicking which aims to raise money to create more jobs in Africa. Micah is in good company with President Barak Obama, HRH Prince Harry and Didier Drogba amongst the others showing their support.