A great new weekly feature on mcfc.co.uk where we bring our fans the best of the players' utterings on Twitter.

Back on Monday, Spanish youngster Joan Angel Roman posted this pic of himself and Freddie Veseli as a farewell gesture following the Swiss defender’s free transfer across town to United.

Following the Blues’ disappointing defeat at Everton, our most-followed player Sergio Aguero offered this message of defiance.

And how about this for an apitising insight from Joleon Lescott who has been on the receiving end of a few jibes for his (lack of) culinary skills.

On Wednesday Costel Pantilimon celebrated his 25th birthday and club photographer Sharon managed to snap this pic of him showing his appreciation for all the fan tweets and messages sent in.

Like the rest of the world, the players were deeply saddened by the tragic events at a football match in Egypt where dozens of people lost their lives.

 We’ll be back next week to bring you up to date with what’s going on in the players’ social media lives. If you have a Twitter account, you can follow all the players here.