Every time we train, people watching will make comments about the intensity we play at, but it has to be this way.

I can’t stress how important it is to train and play the same way so that each time you go out, you are giving your maximum. There can be no half-measures and it’s vital now, more than ever, that we lay down the marker for the season. 

Pre-season is the time when we have to go out and give our all, even in a practice match. Tackles will fly in, but obviously we don’t go out to hurt one another – but we want to win. We don’t have the attitude of, ‘ah, well – it’s only training’ – if we did, we wouldn’t be champions.

We want to win and we want to be the best – to do that, it’s 100% or don’t bother. It’s important to improve every time you play, every day of the week



This year will be very tough because there will be four or five teams who will all believe they can win the Premier League, but they will have to be better than us to take our title away from us – we are determined to retain it and keep hold of it for as many seasons as we can.

It was a long time coming and we feel we have a lot of catching up to do on behalf of our supporters. This season, I think we will also go very far in the Champions League, too, but our priority is to win the Premier League.

I am hungry for success and I am committed to Manchester City and I want to show the people I am here for the long haul.  We are here to make history and we haven’t even started yet as far as I am concerned.


We have a game on Friday so I will be back over the weekend - and I’ll let you know what I think of the songs you guys sing about me...
