With only three days before our training camp in Seefeld ends, our thoughts are now starting to turn towards next week and the next stage of our pre-season tour.

It’s a long time since I was last in China but I am really looking forward to returning. I was last there with Barcelona so it will be interesting to see how the country has changed over the past few years.

It is a very important part of our pre-season and we know the Chinese people are excited we are coming because everybody in the world knows about Manchester City now we are the Premier League champions and it’s important for the development of the club that we visit places like China.

Playing Arsenal during our stay will be a fantastic test for us and it will be a very special occasion because it will be held at the Bird’s Nest Arena in front of a big crowd and will also have had another ten days pre-season training under our belts.

Malaysia will be a very interesting place to visit, too. Visiting different countries that have different time zones and climates will be a great experience for our younger players who can immerse themselves in a different culture for a few days. 

Again, we will be up against different opposition in a fantastic stadium where thousands of people will come to see us play.

I’m sure the people of China and Malaysia will make this a trip to remember for all the players, staff and City supporters and in turn, we will do our best to entertain people during our stay.


We want to be the biggest football club in the world so pre-season tours such as these are very important.