I have a fantastic relationship with the City fans and you guys have been wonderful to me.

I hear all the songs you sing about me and I think my favourite has to be the one that is sung to The Beatles’ ‘Hey Jude’, though both Kolo and I like the one that mentions both our names.

Never think I don’t appreciate your support or the songs you sing about me. I think you must have come up with maybe five or six now so keep them coming!

I’ll be honest and say we probably got off to a rocky start. In my first season in England I found it difficult at times because it was so different from Spain. It took me time to adjust after my transfer from Barcelona and joining City was a big decision for me.

So it took a little while for me to get to the standard I wanted to be at and it was probably a little frustrating for the fans and me at times. 

But things got steadily better and we ended up winning the FA Cup and I felt much more settled

...Yaya Toure


Yaya Toure

Last season was incredible and I feel very close with our supporters, now. They give me fantastic backing whenever I play and that gives me the confidence to perform to my optimum level.

I love to play at the Etihad Stadium because, though we might not be able to get 100,000 fans in like Boca Juniors or Barcelona, our supporters are lovely and I want to win as many trophies as we can for you all. 

You guys sing all the time and get behind us and that is why we had such an incredible home record last season, so I wanted to take this opportunity just to say thank you.


I am at one of the biggest clubs in the world and I love it here – I couldn’t be happier. This is my club and this season we want to do even better than we did last season, and with your support, we feel we can do anything.
